Online Registration for ROC ‘n Golf


Monday, May 19, 2025
Wildwood Green Golf Club

Captain Choice Format, Four Person Teams

11:30 AM Sign In / Practice Area Opens
12:45 PM Announcements & Rules
12:55 PM Carts Depart for Start
1:00 PM Shotgun Start
5:30 PM Dinner and Prizes


Register as an individual or as a team. Early Registration is open until May 5, 2025. Register in the Early Registration period at a reduced price. Pricing Information below:

Early Registration (ends May 5): $125 per player; $500 per team

Registration (May 6 – 18): $150 per player; $600 per team

Senior Registration (must be 65 or older on May 19): $100 per player

Student Registration (must be full-time High School/College student): $100 per player

Outreach Incentive

Any team that consists of a non-Trinity member or regular attender will receive one (1) stroke off of their final score for each non-Trinity member they have playing on their team. This incentive is limited to two (2) strokes per team.

Share with your friends and invite them to join us for the 2025 ROC ‘N Golf Tournament!